منتديات ريماس المحبة
اهلا وسهلا بك ايها الزائر الكريم... انت في منتديات ريماس المحبة ...يمكنك مشاهدة جميع أقسام المنتدى ((كزائر))

لكن لا يمكنك المشاركة بالمواضيع إلا بعد التسجيل

اذا كنت تملك عضوية في منتديات ريماس المحبة اختر ((دخول))

اذا كنت ترغب بأن تصبح عضو في منتديات ريماس المحبة اختر ((تسجيل))

مع تحيات ادارة المنتدى...نبع الحياة
منتديات ريماس المحبة
اهلا وسهلا بك ايها الزائر الكريم... انت في منتديات ريماس المحبة ...يمكنك مشاهدة جميع أقسام المنتدى ((كزائر))

لكن لا يمكنك المشاركة بالمواضيع إلا بعد التسجيل

اذا كنت تملك عضوية في منتديات ريماس المحبة اختر ((دخول))

اذا كنت ترغب بأن تصبح عضو في منتديات ريماس المحبة اختر ((تسجيل))

مع تحيات ادارة المنتدى...نبع الحياة
منتديات ريماس المحبة
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

منتديات ريماس المحبة

فلسطيني - ثقافي - ترفيهي - تعليمي - اجتماعي - رياضي - شبابي - منوع
الرئيسيةالبوابةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


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اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
المدير العام - منتديات ريماس المحبة
المدير العام - منتديات ريماس المحبة

عدد المساهمات : 1651
النقاط : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 09/04/2012
العمر : 44
الموقع : فلسطين-نابلس

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مُساهمةموضوع: تحميل مكتبة اغاني كوكب الشرق ام كلثوم مكتبة تحتوي على 62 سي دي من النسخة الأصلية     تحميل مكتبة اغاني كوكب الشرق ام كلثوم مكتبة تحتوي على 62 سي دي من النسخة الأصلية I_icon_minitimeالسبت ديسمبر 29, 2012 2:26 am

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Video Concerts

Eighteen Songs. Samples---> Click here


Widad 1936, Nashid Al Amal 1937, Dananir 1940, Aydah 1942, Salamah 1945, Fatmah 1947. Samples ---> Click here

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Abdel Wahab

01. Fakarouny
02. We Maret El Ayam
03. Leilet Hobb
04. Aghadan Alqak

B.Rate: 224Kbps
Size : 65Mb

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02-Agar Men Nasmet El Ganoob

Titel : I feel jealous of the slight breeze of the south.
Year : 1954
Music : Riad Al Sonbati
Lyrics: Ahmad Ramy
Maqam : Rast
Genre : Qasidah
Time : 59:19
B.Rate: 224Kbps
Size : 95Mb

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03-Aghadan Alqak

Titel : Will I see you tomorrow.
Year : 1971
Music : Mohamed Abd El Wahab
Lyrics : Al Hady Adam
Maqam : Ajam
Genre : Qasidah
Time : 40:41
B.Rate : 224Kbps
Size : 68Mb

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+Arak Asei Al Dama

Titel : I see you refusing to cry.
Year : 1964
Music : Riad Al Sonbati
Lyrics: Abou Faras Al Hamdani
Maqam : Kurd
Genre : Qasidah
Time : 38:35
B.Rate: 224Kbps
Size : 60Mb

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04-Ahl El Hawa

Titel : People of love.
Year : 1944
Music : Zakariya Ahmad
Lyrics: Bayram Al Tunsi
Maqam : Hijaz
Genre : Ughniyah
Time : 35:53
B.Rate: 224Kbps
Size : 57Mb

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05-Akollak Eah

Titel : What should i say to you.
Year : 1961
Music : Riad Al Sonbati
Lyrics: Abd Al Fattah Mustafa
Maqam : Bayati
Genre : Ughniyah
Time : 58:40
B.Rate: 224Kbps
Size : 94Mb

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06-Al Atlal

Titel : The ruins.
Year : 1966
Music : Riad Al Sonbati
Lyrics: Ibrahim Nagi
Maqam : Huzam
Genre : Qasidah
Time : 39:54
B.Rate: 224Kbps
Size : 63Mb

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07-Al Awela Fel Gharam

Titel : To Start With Love.
Year : 1944
Music : Zakariya Ahmad
Lyrics: Bayram Al Tunsi
Maqam : Hijaz
Genre : Ughniyah
Time : 38:29
B.Rate: 224Kbps
Size : 61Mb

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08-Al Qalb Yaashak

Titel : Beloving heart.
Year : 1971
Music : Riad Al Sonbati
Lyrics: Bayram Al Tunsi
Maqam : Bayati
Genre : Ughniyah
Time : 41:01
B.Rate: 224Kbps
Size : 66Mb

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09-Alf Lela Wlela

Titel : A thousand and one nights.
Year : 1969
Music : Baligh Hamdi
Lyrics: Morsi Gamil Aziz
Maqam : Nahawand
Genre : Ughniyah
Time : 41:54
B.Rate: 224Kbps
Size : 67Mb

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10-Amal Hayati

Titel : The hope of my life.
Year : 1965
Music : Mohamed Abdel Wahab
Lyrics: Ahmad Shafiq Kamel
Maqam : Kurd
Genre : Ughniyah
Time : 38:23
B.Rate: 224Kbps
Size : 61Mb

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11-Ana Fee Entezarak

Titel : Waiting for you.
Year : 1943
Music : Zakaria Ahmad
Lyrics: Bayram Al Tunsi
Maqam : Higaz
Genre : Ughniyah
Time : 35:29
B.Rate: 224Kbps
Size : 56Mb

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12-Aqbal Al Laeil

Titel : The night came.
Year : 1971
Music : Riad Al Sonbati
Lyrics: Ahmad Rami
Genre : Fossha
Time : 42:05
B.Rate: 224Kbps
Size : 67Mb

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13-Arouh Lemin

Titel : Whom should I go to.
Year : 1958
Music : Riad Al Sonbati
Lyrics: Abdel Meneem Al Sebaee
Maqam : Rast
Genre : Ughniyah
Time : 34:43
B.Rate: 224Kbps
Size : 55Mb

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14-Awedt Aeiny

Titel : I am used to seeing you.
Year : 1958
Music : Riad Al Sonbati
Lyrics: Ahmad Rami
Maqam : Kurd
Genre : Ughniyah
Time : 36:44
B.Rate: 224Kbps
Size : 58Mb

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15-Baeid Anak

Titel : Away from you.
Year : 1965
Music : Baligh Hamdi
Lyrics: Ma'mun Al Shinawi
Maqam : Bayati
Genre : Ughniyah
Time : 38:24
B.Rate: 224Kbps
Size : 61Mb

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16-Betfaker Fe Mein

Titel : Who are you thinking of.
Year : 1963
Music : Baligh Hamdi
Lyrics: Ma'mun Al Shinawi
Maqam : Rast
Genre : Ughniyah
Time : 42:47
B.Rate: 224Kbps
Size : 68Mb

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17-Daleely Ehtar

Titel : My heart is perplexed.
Year : 1958
Music : Riad Al Sonbati
Lyrics: Ahmad Ramy
Maqam : Nahawand
Genre : Ughniyah
Time : 41:17
B.Rate: 224Kbps
Size : 66Mb

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18-El Amal

Titel : The hope.
Year : 1946
Music : Zakariya Ahmad
Lyrics: Bayram Al Tunsi
Maqam : Rast
Genre : Ughniyah
Time : 34:42
B.Rate: 224Kbps
Size : 55Mb

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+Zekrayat (Qessat Hobbi)

Title : Memories (My love story).
Year : 1955
Music : Riad Al Sonbati
Lyrics: Ahmad Rami
Maqam : kord
Genre : Fossha
Time : 36:42
B.Rate: 224Kbps
Size : 58Mb

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19-El Hob Kedah

Titel : So is Love.
Year : 1961
Music : Riad Al Sonbati
Lyrics: Bayram Al Tunsi
Maqam : Bayati
Genre : Ughniyah
Time : 32:42
B.Rate: 224Kbps
Size : 52Mb

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Titel : The Nile
Year : 1949
Music : Riad al-Sunbat
Lyrics: Shawqi
Maqam : Hijaz kar
Genre : Qasidah
B.Rate: 224Kbps

+Nahj El Burdah

Titel : Nahj El Burdah
Year : 1946
Music : Riad al-Sunbat
Lyrics: Shawqi
Maqam : Huzam
Genre : Qasidah
B.Rate: 224Kbps

Total Time : 50:06
Total Size : 80Mb
One Track

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21-Elhob Koloh

Titel : All the love.
Year : 1971
Music : Baligh Hamdi
Lyrics: Ahmad Shafiq Kamel
Maqam : rast
Genre : Ughniyah
Time : 40:47
B.Rate: 224Kbps
Size : 65Mb

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22-Enta El Hob

Titel : You are love.
Year : 1965
Music : Mohamed Abdel Wahab
Lyrics: Ahmad Rami
Maqam : Nahawand
Genre : Ughniyah
Time : 36:08
B.Rate: 224Kbps
Size : 57Mb

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+El Ahat

Titel : The sights.
Year : 1966
Music : Riad Al Sonbati
Lyrics: Ibrahim Naji
Maqam : Huzam
Genre : Qasidah
Time : 33:42
B.Rate: 224Kbps
Size : 54Mb

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23-Enta Omry

Titel : You are my life.
Year : 1964
Music : Mohamed Abdel Wahhab
Lyrics: Ahmad Shafiq Kamil
Maqam : Kurd
Genre : Ughniyah
Time : 59:19
B.Rate: 224Kbps
Size : 95Mb

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24-Es'al Rouhak

Titel : Ask yourself (Ask Your Soul).
Year : 1970
Music : Mohamed Al Mougi
Lyrics: Abdel Wahab Mohamed
Maqam : Hijaz kar
Genre : Ughniyah
Time : 42:05
B.Rate: 224Kbps
Size : 67Mb

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Titel : They reminded me.
Year : 1966
Music : Mohamed Abdel Wahab
Lyrics: Abdel Wahab Mohamed
Maqam : Rast
Genre : Ughniyah
Time : 59:41
B.Rate: 224Kbps
Size : 95Mb

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26-Faker Lama Kont Gambe

Titel : Do you remember when you were by me.
Year : 1939
Music : Riad Al Sonbati
Lyrics: Bayram Al Tunsi
Maqam : Kurd
Genre : Monolog
Time : 25:00
B.Rate: 224Kbps
Size : 40Mb

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+Ya Toul Azabi

Titel : How long my torment is going to be.
Year : 1972
Music : Zakaria Ahmed
Lyrics: Bayram Al Tunsi
Time : 22:45
B.Rate: 224Kbps
Size : 36Mb

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27-Fat El Maad

Titel : It is too late
Year : 1967
Music : Baligh Hamdi
Lyrics: Mursi Jamil Aziz
Maqam : Rahit Al Arwah
Genre : Ughniyah
Time : 37:11
B.Rate: 224Kbps
Size : 59Mb

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28-Fatma Film Songs

01. Loghat El Zohor
02. Gamal El Donia
03. Nasra Aweia
04. Ya Sabah El Kheer
05. Norek Ya Seet El Koul
06. Zalamony El Naas
07. Ha'ablo Boukra
08. Asoono Karamaty
09. Yally Inharamt El Hanan

Total Time : 41:56
B.Rate: 224Kbps
Total Size : 67Mb

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29-Ghareeb Ala Bab El Rajaa

Year : 1956
Music : Kamal al-Tawil
Lyrics: Tahir Abu Fasha
Maqam : Ajam
Genre : Qasidah
Time : 34:46
B.Rate: 224Kbps
Size : 55Mb

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30-Gholobt Asaleh

Titel : I got tried of making peace with my soul.
Year : 1946
Music : Riad Al Sonbati
Lyrics: Ahmad Ramy
Maqam : Nahawand
Genre : Ughniyah
Time : 42:39
B.Rate: 224Kbps
Size : 68Mb

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Titel : I abandoned you.
Year : 1959
Music : Riad Al Sonbati
Lyrics: Ahmad Ramy
Maqam : Kurd
Genre : Ughniyah
Time : 41:50
B.Rate: 224Kbps
Size : 67Mb

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32-Hakam Alena El Hawa

Titel : Love's verdict on us.
Year : 1973
Music : Baligh Hamdi
Lyrics: Abdel-Wahab mohamed
Maqam : Rast
Genre : Ughniyah
Time : 33:52
B.Rate: 224Kbps
Size : 54Mb

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+ Ghany Lee

Titel : Sing to me.
Year : 1945
Music : Zakariya Ahmad
Lyrics: Bayram al-Tunsi
Maqam : Rast
Genre : Taqtuqah
Time : 21:47
B.Rate: 224Kbps
Size : 34Mb

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33-Hasebak lelzaman

Titel : I will leave you to Time.
Year : 1957
Music : Riad Al Sonbati
Lyrics: Abdel Wahab Mohamed
Maqam : Rahit al-arwah
Genre : Ughniyah
Time : 42:00
B.Rate: 224Kbps
Size : 67Mb

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34-Hayart Alby Maak

Titel : You bewildered my heart.
Year : 1961
Music : Riad Al Sonbati
Lyrics: Ahmad Rammi
Maqam : Bayati
Genre : Ughniyah
Time : 41:16
B.Rate: 224Kbps
Size : 66Mb

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35-Hazehi Laylaty

Titel : This is my night.
Year : 1968
Music : Mohamed Abdel Wahab
Lyrics: George Jordaq
Maqam : Kurd
Genre : Qasidah
Time : 32:07
B.Rate: 224Kbps
Size : 51Mb

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Titel : Dream.
Year : 1946
Music : Zakariya Ahmad
Lyrics: Bayram Al Tunsi
Maqam : Suznak
Genre : Ughniyah
Time : 16:51
B.Rate: 224Kbps
Size : 27Mb

+ El Amal

Titel : The hope.
Year : 1946
Music : Zakariya Ahmad
Lyrics: Bayram Al Tunsi
Maqam : Rast
Genre : Ughniyah
Time : 17:46
B.Rate: 224Kbps
Size : 28Mb

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37-Hob Eah

Titel : Which Love.
Year : 1960
Music : Baligh Hamdi
Lyrics: Abdel Wahab Mohamed
Maqam : Bayati
Genre : Ughniyah
Time : 31:07
B.Rate: 224Kbps
Size : 49Mb

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+Gadet Hobak

Titel : Came to me with love again.
Year : 1952
Music : Riad Al Sonbati
Lyrics: Ahmad Ramy
Maqam : Nahawand
Genre : Ughniyah
Time : 39:17
B.Rate: 224Kbps
Size : 62Mb

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+Gamal El Donia

Titel : Beauty of the world.
Year : 1947
Music : Zakariya Ahmad
Lyrics: Ahmad Ramy
Maqam : Shuri
Genre : Taqtuqah - Fossha
Time : 03:45
B.Rate: 224Kbps
Size : 6Mb

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38-Howa Sahih

Titel : Is it true that love is irresistable.
Year : 1960
Music : Zakariya Ahmad
Lyrics: Bayram al-Tunsi
Maqam : Saba
Genre : Ughniyah
Time : 38:56
B.Rate: 224Kbps
Size : 62Mb

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+Habibi Yis'id Awqatuh

Titel : Darling, i wish u times of happiness.
Year : 1943
Music : Zakariya Ahmad
Lyrics: Bayram al-Tunsi
Maqam : Bayati
Genre : Ughniyah
Time : 19:21
B.Rate: 224Kbps
Size : 31Mb

+Ya Sabah El Kheer

Titel : Good morrning to all.
Year : 1947
Music : Mohammad al-Qasabji
Lyrics: Bayram al-Tunsi
Maqam : Rast
Genre : Ughniyah
Time : 05:37
B.Rate: 224Kbps
Size : 9Mb

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39-La Yahabiby

Titel : No, my darling beloved.
Year : 1965
Music : Riad Al Sonbati
Lyrics: Abdel Fattah Mostafa
Maqam : Nahawand
Genre : Ughniyah
Time : 41:24
B.Rate: 224Kbps
Size : 66Mb

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40-Leilet Hobb

Titel : A love night.
Year : 1972
Music : Mohamad Abd al-Wahhab
Lyrics: Ahmad Shafiq Kamil
Maqam : Nahawand
Genre : Ughniyah
Time : 59:25
B.Rate: 224Kbps
Size : 95Mb

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41-Lel Sabr Hdod

Titel : Patience has limits.
Year : 1964
Music : Mohamed Al Mougi
Lyrics: Abdel Wahab Mohamed
Maqam : Rahit al-arwah
Genre : Ughniyah
Time : 38:41
B.Rate: 224Kbps
Size : 61Mb

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42-Lessa Faker

Titel : Do you still remember.
Year : 1960
Music : Riad Al Sonbati
Lyrics: Abdel Fattah Mostafa
Time : 45:41
B.Rate: 224Kbps
Size : 73Mb

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43-Men Agl Ainayk

Titel : For your eyes.
Year : 1972
Music : Riad Al Sonbati
Lyrics: Abd Allah Faysal
Maqam : Kurd
Genre : Qasidah
Time : 37:18
B.Rate: 224Kbps
Size : 59Mb

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+Thawret El Shak

Titel : The revolution of the doubt.
Year : 1960
Music : Riad Al Sonbati
Lyrics: Abd Allah Faysal
Maqam : Nahawand
Genre : Qasidah
Time : 37:18
B.Rate: 192Kbps
Size : 58Mb

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44-Mesh Momken Abadan [Ansak Ya Salam].

Titel : I forget you, No way.
Year : 1962
Music : Baligh Hamdi
Lyrics: Ma'mun Al Shinawi
Genre : Ughniyah
Time : 40:25
B.Rate: 224Kbps
Size : 64Mb

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45-Nasheed El Amal-Soundtrack

01. Efrah Ya Albi
02. Maneet Shababi
03. Adeet Hayaty
04. Namy Ya Malaky
05. Nashed El Gam3a
06. Yally Sana3t El Gameel
07. Ya Magd

B.Rate: 224Kbps
Size : 61Mb

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46-Operette Rabaa Aladawiya CD.1

Time : 59:11
B.Rate: 192Kbps
Size : 81Mb

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47-Operette Rabaa Aladawiya CD.2

Time : 59:30
B.Rate: 192Kbps
Size : 81Mb

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48-Quesat El Ams

Titel : The story of the past.
Year : 1958
Music : Riad Al Sonbati
Lyrics: Ahmad Fathi
Maqam : Nahawand
Genre : Qasidah
Time : 35:35
B.Rate: 224Kbps
Size : 57Mb

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49-Rak El Habib

Titel : My beloved become tenderhearted.
Year : 1941
Music : Mohamed Al Qasabji
Lyrics: Ahmad Ramy
Maqam : Nahawand
Genre : Ughniyah
Time : 40:25
B.Rate: 224Kbps
Size : 64Mb

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50-Robaeiat El Khayam

Titel : El khayam quatrain.
Year : 1950
Music : Riad Al Sonbati
Lyrics: Ahmad Ramy
Maqam : Rast
Genre : Qasidah
Time : 37:00
B.Rate: 224Kbps
Size : 59Mb

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+Hadeith El Roh

Titel : Conversation of the soul.
Year : 1967
Music : Riad Al-Sonbati
Lyrics: Mohamed Iqbal
Maqam : Huzam
Genre : Qasidah
Time : 35:35
B.Rate: 224Kbps
Size : 57Mb

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51-Sahran Lewahdi

Titel : Staying up late at night alone.
Year : 1950
Music : Riad Al Sonbati
Lyrics: Ahmad Ramy
Maqam : Huzam
Genre : Ughniyah
Time : 38:33
B.Rate: 224Kbps
Size : 61Mb

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01. El Fawazer (Oly Wala Tekhabes Ya Zein)
02. Beredak
03. Salam Allah (3an El 3oshak)
04. Ya Ean Ya Ean Ya Eainy
05. Ghanely Shewaya
06. Fe Nour Mohayak
07. Kalo Aheb El Kaas

B.Rate: 224Kbps
Size : 47Mb

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53-Salo Kalby

Salo Kalby
Titel : ask my heart.
Year : 1946
Music : Riad Al Sunbat
Lyrics: Ahmed Shawqi
Maqam : Rast
Genre : Qasidah
Time : 40:16
B.Rate: 224Kbps
Size : 64Mb

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54-Seret El Hob

Titel : The narrative of love.
Year : 1946
Music : Baligh Hamdi
Lyrics: Morsi Gamil Aziz
Genre : Ughniyah
Time : 39:15
B.Rate: 224Kbps
Size : 65Mb

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55-Shams El Aseil

Titel : El aseil shams.
Year : 1955
Music : Riad al-Sunbat
Lyrics: Bayram al-Tunsi
Maqam : Hijaz kar
Genre : Ughniyah
Time : 37:30
B.Rate: 224Kbps
Size : 60Mb

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56-We Maret El Ayam

Titel : And the days have gone by.
Year : 1970
Music : Mohamed Abdel Wahab
Lyrics: Ma'mun Al Shinawi
Genre : Ughniyah
Time : 39:53
B.Rate: 224Kbps
Size : 63Mb

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57-Ya Msaharny

Titel : You, who makes me pass the night awake.
Year : 1972
Music : Sayyid Makawi
Lyrics: Ahmad Ramy
Maqam : Rast
Genre : Ughniyah
Time : 55:41
B.Rate: 224Kbps
Size : 89Mb

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58-Ya Zalemny

Titel : You, who do me unjustice.
Year : 1951
Music : Riad Al Sonbati
Lyrics: Ahmad Ramy
Maqam : Kurd
Genre : Ughniyah
Time : 40:19
B.Rate: 224Kbps
Size : 64Mb

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59-Yally Kan Yeshgik

Titel : You, who love been amused by my tears.
Year : 1949
Music : Riad Al Sonbati
Lyrics: Ahmad Ramy
Maqam : Kurd
Genre : Ughniyah
Time : 51:10
B.Rate: 224Kbps
Size : 81Mb

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60-Zalamna El Hob

Titel : You and I mistreated love.
Year : 1962
Music : Baligh Hamdi
Lyrics: Abdel Wahab Mohamed
Maqam : Bayati
Genre : Ughniyah
Time : 37:36
B.Rate: 224Kbps
Size : 60Mb

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61-Zalamouni El Nass

Titel : People has done me unjustice.
Year : 1947
Music : Riad Al Sonbati
Lyrics: Bayram Al Tunsi
Maqam : Bayati
Genre : Ughniyah- F
Time : 18:31
B.Rate: 224Kbps
Size : 29Mb

+Ya Ean Ya Eani

Titel : Ya Ean Ya Eani.
Year : 1945
Music : Zakariya Ahmad
Lyrics: Bayram Al Tunsi
Maqam : Kurd
Genre : Ughniyah- S
Time : 23:09
B.Rate: 224Kbps
Size : 37Mb

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» مكتبة اغاني للاطفال جميلة ونادرة
»  افتراضي تحميل موسوعة اغاني وردة الجزائرية
» تحميل اجمل اغاني زكي ناصيف
» تحميل استماع اغاني سعدون جابر

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